About Us

Aupinion LLC
Our credo
“In America, everyone is entitled to their own opinion”
We believe that there is an ongoing long term goal and desire by the G.O.P. to undermine
the foundation of the nation, the foundation being the working poor and middleclass. Like
President Harry Truman we believe that without a strong foundation even the strongest of
buildings would crumble and fall. From the undermining and stifling of our public
education system, the nullification of our voting rights and the debacle of our financial
institutions we the people need to have solidarity against the chosen few, “ The Fat Cats”.
Meet Ravenous Prat, Aupinion’s personification of the Fat Cats that are raping the
American people. You will find him featured in many of our graphic designs.
With the help of people of conscience, such as yourself, we have an opportunity to stem the
tide of greed by the power hungry Fat Cats. We believe we are at a true crossroad in our
nation’s history. This election cycle may well determine the course of the country for
As this election cycle ends we the people can not become complacent with any victories.
The Fat Cats conspire as we speak to try and manipulate the G.O.P. agenda for the next
cycle. If we become apathetic and static in our roles in our participatory government we
will not gain anything. We the people must continually work for the common good and
prosperity of all of our citizens. And we at Aupinion will continue to highlight all the ills of
the Fat Cats.
We the people must stand united in order to give our childern what we have been denied. A
government of the people by the people for the people that insure’s life liberty and the
pursit of happiness.
We at Aupinion have a few, somewhat edgy but to the point, opinions of our own. If you
believe as we do that greed has overshadowed every institution and stolen the American
dream, then by all means please network with friends and colleagues and ask them to visit
our website at www.aupinion.net.
Thank you very much for your time,
P.S. We cannot forget our Achilles’ heel, the House and Senate. We need the trifecta in every
state to win!!

My fellow Citizens,

Thank you for your interest in Aupinion, LLC. I am a 78 yr old retired vet from the Vietnam era, currently on a fixed income, who is sick and tired, disillusioned and just pissed off. Our fellow citizens need to be educated about the dishonorable malfeasance of the Republican Party leadership!

The Republican Party seeks to divide, conquer and manipulate rather than promote and recognize the strength of the American people. If you agree with my sentiments, I implore you to show support by purchasing one of my many graphic tees here at Aupinion. If you have any like minded friends, collagues or family direct them to www.aupinion.net.

You can contact me at aupinion56@gmail.com if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you for your time!